Introducing...Hannah Lewis (Speech and Language Therapist)
Hello! I’m Hannah Lewis, Speech and Language Therapist at Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust. My role is to work with staff and families to enable them in supporting pupils speech, language and communication skills across school and nursery. This includes using strategies at a universal level, benefitting all children in the classroom, providing training and modelling in setting up targeted interventions and delivering specialist assessment and therapy. If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s speech, language or communication skills please feel free to contact me via the school office - I am in school every other Thursday. There are also lots of free resources and information on our website and Facebook - search ‘Worcestershire Speech and Language Therapy’ - or find us on Twitter @SLT_Worcs.
Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)
Worcestershire Speech and Language Therapy's (SALT) website is full of advice, information and free resources to help you develop your child's language in the home.