Our vision – ‘Discovering life in all its fulness’
Jesus said ‘I have come that you may have life in all its fulness.’ John 10:10b
Our school’s values – Hesed, Hamdah, Honesty, Horizons
Welcome to our website and thank you for taking an interest in our school.
Lindridge St Lawrence CE VA Primary School, is a small rural school set in the stunning Teme Valley since 1894, beside St Lawrence’s Church overlooking the River Teme.
As a Church of England school, we are very proud of our distinct Christian Values which are the four H’s: Hesed, Hamdah, Honesty and Horizons. We strive to reflect the love of God in all that we do. By creating a secure, disciplined and loving environment through these core Christian values, our children feel safe, supported and equipped to take the risks that learning involves.
We are extremely proud of our school and our hard working team of inspirational staff and governors who are committed to providing the best possible education for all of our children.
Our vision ‘Discovering life in all its fulness’, from John 10.10b is reflected in our mission to enable every child to achieve their very best whilst equipping them with the skills to become kind responsible members of their community who work hard, contribute to society, and are independent life-long learners whose seize all of life opportunities..
We are dedicated to raising young people’s achievement by providing regular opportunities for learning outside the classroom. Our children enjoy Forest schools and a wealth of educational day and residential visits. We recognise that learning in the school grounds, the locality, visiting sites further afield and residential experiences all stimulate interest, curiosity and a passion for learning through hands-on experience.
We promote self-discipline and we teach our children to have a sense of responsibility for themselves, other people and the environment. We know every child as an individual and the creation of strong and positive relationships with parents and families is a central part of this.
Visitors to our school often comment on the warm, friendly and happy environment as well as the beautiful surroundings. Our school is a place where there is a calm, purposeful atmosphere in which children are; ready to work, respectful to all and know how to keep themselves and others safe. Our positive behaviour strategy is built around being ready, respectful and safe.
Exploring the information on our website will provide a flavour of what life is like at Lindridge St Lawrence CE VA Primary School, but we would encourage you to visit us to see the school in action, meet our staff and pupils and discover for yourself how happy your child would be here.
We look forward to meeting you
Mrs Amanda Greenow-Langford
“In a world where you can choose to be anything, be kind”.