Lindridge St Lawrence CE Primary School
Discovering life in all its fullness
Hesed, Hamdah, Honesty, Horizons
  • Telephone: 01584 881466
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Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)

SEND at Lindridge

Children may need extra support, sometimes in the classroom with the teacher or teaching assistant (TA) or maybe through more personalised intervention.  If further support is needed then a range of outside agencies may be involved.  These might include the School Nurse, Speech and Language Therapist, Special Educational Needs Support Specialist Teacher, Behaviour Support Services or the Educational Psychologist.

We have a comprehensive SEND Policy and SEN Information Report and believe that every child is entitled to have his or her particular needs recognised and addressed.  We also provide an overview of the Graduated Response which outlines the provision that we offer all children at Lindridge St Lawrence CE Primary School.

Mrs Amanda Greenow-Langford is the SEND Coordinator and she is in school daily.  Her email address is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mrs Greenow-Langford is also available via Class Dojo

Would you like to be part of our SEND Parent Forum?  An opportunity to meet with other parents and Mrs Greenow-Langford to discuss our policies/provision in school and work together to improve outcomes for our wonderful children.  If so get in touch on the email above!

Worcestershire's Local Offer

The Local Offer contains information about what support is available for children and young people who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) in Worcestershire.

Useful Links:

SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs & Disability, Information and Support Service) is at 'arm's length' from Worcestershire's Local Authority and we are able to give impartial and neutral advice to parents and carers.

Talking Point is the website of the SEN Department of Worcestershire County Council.

Mencap has worked with the government to produce a series of easy read guides about special educational needs.

Independent Parental Special Education Advice (IPSEA)

Autism Education Trust

British Dyslexia Association

Special Needs Jungle