Lindridge St Lawrence CE Primary School
Discovering life in all its fullness
Hesed, Hamdah, Honesty, Horizons
  • Telephone: 01584 881466
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Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)

School Nurse

Our school nurse Christy Sivell can help with a variety of concerns you may have about your child.  For example: Sleep issues, Allergies, Bet-wetting, Behaviour Difficulties, Health Assessments, Healthy Eating, Immunisation and Infection Control.  Michelle can also complete referrals for Occupational Therapy (OT)  for conditions such as Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)

Christy can be contacted by calling 01562 514555/514637 or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The Reach4Wellbeing Team focus on delivering group programmes for children and young people. The groups are held during term time and are run in schools or other local community settings. They  are not always able to offer a group in the child or young person’s own school, but will aim to offer a place in an alternative school or community setting, please note that in order for your child to receive this intervention transportation to and from the venue will be your responsibility.

Each of the sessions is evidence based and they are able to offer the following:

• A seven week anxiety and low mood programme for young people age 13 and over

• A six week anxiety programme for older children age 9 -12 years

• A six week anxiety programme (Little Explorers) for younger children age 5 - 8 years, for this age group please note that a parent or their representative is required to attend the sessions.

For more information and to access self-referral form online please vist their website: